Last updated: February 19, 2025
# Fans Listed: 201
# Pending: 0
Newest members: Ellory
Category: Politics and Organisations - Groups and Organisations
Layout by: Secret Santa, Saya (
Please donate to ASPCA, NSPCA and/or your local animal shelters and sanctuaries.
Welcome to For The Love and Protection of Animals, a website in support of two very special organizations: ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and NSPCA (The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). This website shows a list of people/fans, who support/are fans of, one, or both of these organizations. I volunteer many hours to feed/take care of abused, abandoned, homeless, or otherwise neglected animals, so ending animal cruelty is a very big and important issue for me. I implore you to donate your time, money, materials such as blankets, provide pet food for shelters, safe haven's, homeless animals, write letters to congress to instate tougher laws against animal cruelty, etc. Whatever you can do to help, please do. However, joining this website is completely free, and all that you are doing is adding your name to a list of people from around the world stating that you support what ASPCA and/or NSPCA are doing to help the animals.
ASPCA and NSPCA fight for the Prevention of Cruelty to ALL Animals. Each and every animal should be treated with respect, care, and love.
I am not affiliated with ASPCA or NSPCA, I am just a fan showing my appreciation for what they do, and a supporter of preventing cruelty to animals.