Welcome to The Prince's Tale, the fanlisting for my favorite book ever, The Vampire Lestat! This is book two of an incredible series known as The Vampire Chronicles, by Anne Rice. The Vampire Lestat is about my favorite immortal, and it's what began my love affair with Lestat. I still own my original copy, which is terribly worn from age & use, but I won't part with it until the last page falls! Lestat is one of my all-time favorite book/movie characters. He's charming, beautiful, wicked, adorable, loveable, dangerous, and yes, a big brat, so the name "The Brat Prince" fits him very well, and I just adore him & this novel! A fanlisting is a list of fans from around the world stating that they are a fan of a particular subject. In this case, that subject is The Vampire Lestat, so if you are a fan like I am, join up!