
to Fiery, the fanlisting for Lily Potter

Lily Evans Potter (from the Harry Potter book & movie series) was an extraordinary girl, witch, woman, wife and mother, who made the ultimate sacrifice to save her son, Harry. A fanlisting is a list of fans from around the world stating that they are a fan of a particular subject. In this case, that subject is Lily Potter, so if you are a fan like I am, join up!

Last updated: February 28, 2025
# Fans Listed: 973
# Pending: 0
Newest members: Chrisie
Category: Characters: Book/Movie
This site is part of: TheWildRose.org
Adopted from: Mitzie (grimmauld.com) & Em (duckness.org)
Previous owners: Circe (poetic-genius.org/circe), Kim (remus-lupin.net) & Caroline (oeil.ws)
Layout by: Mal

I am not affiliated with the Harry Potter series in any way, nor can I get in contact with anyone that is. I am just a fan showing my appreciation.