... to The Wild Rose, Christine's fanlistings collective! <3 Please take a look around to see if anything interests you, and join if you are a fan! All the fanlistings I own, wish for, and joined fanlistings, are listed under the navigation.
Do you <3 me?
This collective has 61 listings, with 2 co-owned listings and 0 listing(s) on upcoming. It has a total of 31708 fans + 0 pending fans that will be added on my next update. There are also 36 wonderful affiliates to visit.
Thank you to all of those who show their support for the things they love! :)
January 15, 2025: The Wild Rose layout made by Lorian is back up now that Christmas is over! :D Have a great week, everyone! February 27, 2024: I adopted the Spaghetti fanlisting from Jess! <3