
to ONE DAY MORE! the fanlisting for the musical version of Victor Hugo's classic, and one of my favorite musicals, the awesome Les Misèrables. Despite the fact that it's one of my favorites, Les Mis has got to be one of the most depressing shows on Broadway. It may seem odd for me to say that when I'm a big fan, but I love it because it's a great but tragic story, with a lot of hope, love, honor and fierce determination against all odds. There's also always a top knotch cast and I love the songs, so because of all of that, I'll gladly go through the box of tissues each time. A fanlisting is a list of fans from around the world stating that they are a fan of a particular subject. In this case, that subject is Les Miserables, so if you are a fan like I am, join up!

The Fanlistings Network


Last updated: February 24, 2025
# Fans Listed: 96
# Pending: 0
Newest members: Choccy
Category: Stage/Theatre
Layout by: Mal

This site is a part of The Wild Rose collective


I do not own Les Misèrables, nor can I get in contact with anyone involved with the musical. I am just a fan showing my appreciation.