Memories, the fanlisting for the song
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again, from the beautiful stage musical & 2004 movie
The Phantom of the Opera! This is one of my favorite
Phantom songs, and while it's both beautiful and sad, this is the scene where Christine realizes that she must let go of her deceased father, pleading with him to help her to be able to say goodbye to him. A fanlisting is a list of fans from around the world stating that they are a fan of a particular subject. In this case, that subject is
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again, so if you are a fan like I am,
join up!
The Fanlistings Network
Last updated: March 13, 2025
# Fans Listed: 100
# Pending: 0
Newest members: Commie
Category: Songs: Various
Adopted from: Mary (still-my-heart.org)
Layout by: Mal
This site is a part of The Wild Rose collective
I am not affiliated with Emmy Rossum, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Joel Schumacher, or The Phantom of the Opera in any way, nor can I get in contact with anyone involved with the movie. I am just a fan showing my appreciation.